Saturday, November 5, 2011

Poor mistreated kitty?

I'm torn. My neighbor has left her kitty out in the freezing rain and I can't let him in here because my cats absolutely hate him. I couldn't do that to them in their own home. He's never come up to me but in desperation a few minutes ago, he tried to come inside. I opened the garage for him to go inside there but it really peeves me she didn't bring him inside last night. She's a single mom of 4 and I know she has a lot to deal with and no money. I paid for the kitty to be neutered a while back hoping it would help my cats make peace with him (not a chance). This kitty needs to be in a safe place but those kids adore him. I've talked to her about him several times including talking her out of declawing him (outside cat..she didn't have a clue). I could rehome him but it would break those kid's hearts and I can't keep him because of my cats fighting with him. Any suggestions for a course of action here?

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