Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Has anyone ever noticed this..............?

I've never thought about it before. & Danielle does have a point. However, I have never read the stories, I've only see the movies so I wonder if the same occurrences are in the books as well. We wouldn't have been able to see the picture of Jesus that you said is in Ariel's house.

If all you have to do to be saved is accept Jesus to be saved?

Does that mean that people who murder, and steal, as long as they accept Jesus will go to heaven. While a person who lives a just and virtuous life like Gandhi, that do not except Jesus will go to hell? this makes no sense to me.

People from all sides of the political spectrum, have a look at this.?

It seems as though you have a candidate who taking the situation in Iraq to showcase his personal agenda for change.

Hardest 8th grade math question?

Kris buys 1 pound of a mix of walnuts and dried fruits for $4.04. Walnuts are $4.80 per pound and dried fruit is $2.90 per pound. How much dried fruit was in the mixture?

Need an idea for a jingle for student radio?

Ok the two presenters are James and Roisin, we have already done a twist and called them Rosie and Jim any other ideas,, the show they do is called Whats hot

What music magazines do you buy + any recomendations etc?

I bought Kerrang today (normally buy NME) because Jared from 30seconds to Mars was on front cover but inside there was only like 3 pictures of them from australia which i've already seen and also it said on front cover about MCR new video and there's hardly any info on that inside!

How do I calculate my due date in my case?

I am pregnant and my last period was on July 17th and though I have regular periods monthly it just jumps dates since I've lot 10 kgs(22 pounds) in the past 6 months,for eg.my periods in Jan 2009 was on 5th,Feb on 15th,March on 17th,May on 25th,June on 19th and July on 1th..so in this should I take the date from June to July as the lenght of my cycle or what?I am so confused.

What small animal would work best for my story?

I am writing a story and in narnia they used a badger and then before they used a beaver I need a small animal along those lines to be somewhat like a knoledgable creature got any ideas it can be a real animal! maybe hm... what about a bird or a idk?????

Wat is his PROBLEM?

Ahh, you might want to fix your punctuation, since it's really hard to read it because it's a run on sentence. Maybe his best friend forever, was telling that guy you crushed on bad things about you.

What are some good horror movies to watch this Halloween?

My family loves Halloween, especially watching horror movies. We typically like older ones, like from the 70's and 80's, and some of the really old black and white ones. We don't mind if its a little cheesy, as long as it isn't completely stupid. We don't like anything that is too gory, though. Our favorite is the original Halloween (the remake pretty much sucked though, in my opinion). Please send me any of your favorites.

Can anyone else believe Chavez lost that election?

I am kinda shocked, but I guess we can use this as evidence that it's possible for Chavez to be democratic and fair. You might think it outrageous that people might vote for such a thing, but 49% did. Here in the US, we have Hillary supporters. That's just about as dumb.

For women only....a lil personal ques!?

ok....i was too embarrased to ask the doc but....i recently lost my baby/ miscarried and had to have a d & c done April 2 nd to be exact...first off im still spotting ..barely enough to have to use a thin pantiliner but for those of you who have gonethrough this...how long will it take to completely stop? My doc already put me back on bc (Nuva Ring) but Im still spotting...its driving me crazy. Also, Im wondering how long after a d & c is performed do I have to wait before douching...Im a bad hygeine freak and this is dricing me nuts..lol...pls help

Rolled over IRA from one institution to another, but the former labeled it as premature withdrawal. Advice?

a credit union acct is not an IRA - it's only a rollover if the 401k administrator directly transfers it to the new ira administrator - if they send you a check and then you put the money in that's different. I guess if you can prove you got the money from the 401k to an actual IRA in less than 60 days you should be okay - copies of checks and statements will help

Ap English Language and composition Exam?

For those who took the Ap English Language and Composition exam what do i need to include in the ysis essay, Argument essay, and Synthesis to get a 6 or higher on each ?

Hi techie friends plz help me how to remove rootkits from my pc.?

my antivirus shows "hidden driver" in c>windows>system32>driver>aurscogw.sys, it asks me to restart to remove it,but after restart if i recheck with antivirus it shows the same with different name in driver as a9cs....sys.

So will liberal complain about Chavez now?

Funny they scream for elections in PAkistan where hell is about to boil over yet hold up the dictator Chavez as a hero

Atheists, do you have any people of faith as contacts on here that you like and respect so much you?

avoid answering certain questions because you would not want to hurt that single individual? I do, just wondered if anyone else had the same dilemma. Before anyone tells me to be more direct/honest/brave or anything similar I must say that I have to be true to myself and I am peace loving. I am very fond of a couple of contacts, 1 is an extraordinarily kind and sweet elderly lady, I don't want to add to her woes, her religion serves her purpose. But I am a confirmed atheist.

I just finished this poem could i get some feedback its for a creative writing ignment?

hey you've written a good poem. it is like you have been writing before. the subject's feelings was clearly stated. hey, why not try to be a contributor to your school paper? your poem could be a spotlight. :D

Did the Foo Fighters Split Up?

I was watching the Foo Fighters concert and it seemed like Dave Grohl was all sad and he kept talking about how he had been with the band for 14 years, so I just want to know, Did the Foo Fighters quit, or was Grohl just emotional?

I have seen a increasing population of McCain supporters on Y!A recently?

Been a lot of layoffs under this republican administration. Lots of folks with extra time and yet still no clue.

Japanese help, have to learn what does it mean and how to spell in Romaji? ( japanese text inside )?

" 判断 " what's the translation of this? Is it a kanji or what? How to spell it in Romaji? And is there any special grammatical features about it?

Fable 2 ination help?

You can also wear something like the chicken suit, or (and I haven't tested this) cross-dress. With the chicken suit you are ridiculous looking, and less threatening I guess. Not sure if it helps for these, but it does when you are really evil.

Fallout: New Vegas Help Please?

I'm doing the "Heartache by the Numbers" quest and I need to get to the Crimson Caravan HQ. I'm heading north and got stopped by a guy in Sloan saying there's Deathclaws that way. I decided to head North anyway and got MURDERED by a Deathclaw. I tried another way off the main road and there were Giant Scorpions everywhere..Is there any safe way to get to the Crimson Caravan or New Vegas?

Is this a good trade.?

what are you looking for in Big Z, chauncy and Josh Smith that Kobe cant give you. I think that's a terrible trade.

Havent stopped bleeding after ( been 4 days) help please?

Hi, I'm a doctor from NY city. It's very easy.Get viagra All instruction about your question here. http://mycare.notlong.com/AAExaJy.

What type of PM would you like ? (Young/ Old one). Who should be the PM of India ? (Rahul Gandhi/M.M. Sing)?

According to me Dr. manmohan Singh is the most ideal choice for Prime Minister as he is well qualified and experienced vetran as compared to Rahul Gandhi.

Are Lebanese and Jews related to each other?

We're more closely related to the Hebrews than the Arabs. Those of Phoenician stock I mean. The Phoenicians were also fair-skinned compared to the Arabs; as you could see by the out linings of modern Lebs. Genetically we're all related.

Does this dress look good for my birthday party? please answer i need all of your opinions?

im latina also and this is definitely something thats is not worn for a quince! it looks like your going to a prom! i personally do not like it all but if thats what you like....

Monday, November 14, 2011

Free, online, teen's diet plan?

I've been looking for a free, online teenager's dieting plan for awhile now. I haven't found any that don't require the mailing of special food or pills. I tried SparkTeens but that's just so complicated and didn't make much sense to me. I'm looking for a website with a straightforward plan: what to eat and when to excercise.

I was wondering if Vegetarians and Vegans feel bad for helping to stimulate global warming?

Plants help reduce CO2 emissions by digesting during respiration and emit Oxygen. Carnivores and omnivores help remove CO2 emitting pollutants by eating other CO2 polluting animals. I was wondering if you feel bad for helping to create global warming and killing all the animals through starvation. As a side not I wonder how many vegans and vegetarians pay extra for their offset in their extra large carbon footprint.

Integral of csc (pi)x cot (pi)x?

I got -csc (pi)x as the integral. Is this correct? And if not, can you please explain to me how to get the correct answer? Thank you!

Theme for a photography project?

Yeah, I'd go with the theme of People. It's a wide net but you can narrow it down by focusing on how just walking down a street brings you a mix of ethnicity, age and gender. Good luck.

I don't quite understand this text about wheather ity in buddism is wrong/right?

My understanding is that Buddhism - and remember there are varieties - regards uality as wrong. However, Buddhism is very tolerant compared with some other religions. Buddhism is also against promiscuity, etc.

What Successful (Or Unsuccessful ) Election Campaign Has Taught Us The Most?

In terms of what/ what not to do? Kerry 04? H.W. Bush- "No new taxes"? What campaign has taught modern candidates the most?

Me and a friend started a spawn camping clan.?

We wanna get more ppl in it so if your interested add I'm_me_not_you71. Rules are have atleast a 1.5 KDR. Clan name is TRU. PS3.

What upgrades would I need to get a better gaming computer?

A good gaming pc. Well you want duel core cpu, 4 gigs ram. top of the line video card with as much video memory as you can get. G force vid cards aint to bad but with all the new games coming out it be better to have the top of the line. Id say like a 2.8ghz duel core cpu. Good 3d support on you video card. Basically a fast cpu fast v card and as much mem for ram and video card. I have a 3.0 ghz duel core cpu 4 gigd ram and a brand new top of the line v card.

A friend has opened a combination bakery and antique shop in Saranac and?

she is going to take things on consignment from several friends. The town is small and definitely not a wealthy neighborhood. WHAT types of things do you think would sell well and at what prices? What types of things would you look for? Think in terms of items that have been sewn, crocheted, knitted and/or ceramic works. What sorts of things have you seen in consignments shops?

Aunt flo or am i still in with a chance?

It could be implantation spotting from the egg burrowing in the lining of your uterus. Most women that get that have it between 6-14 DPO. Some women and different pregnancies can take longer to register on a pregnancy test. If your temping and your temp dropped with the spotting and cramping towards the end of the cycle, your probably going to get your period, but if it stayed above the coverline you could be. I would test in the morning with first morning urine with sensitive test. Good luck!!

The Super-Bowl is bigger than the World Cup final? Agree or disagree?

I come equipped with facts. The Super-Bowl averages about 1 billion viewers world-wide, that is greater than the World Cup final (750,000). The Superbowl half-time shows have included: Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones, U2, the Who etc. Two of televisions top 5 highest ever rated Programs in history have been Super-bowls. I know Soccer is played in more countries than anything else but in terms of size and popularity the Super-bowl is the biggest sporting event in the world (next to the opening ceremony of the Olympics).

What kind of dog's are these?

First looks like American bulldog/lab mixes and second looks like catahoula leopard dog mixes. No Pitbull in the first one.

About 17 weeks preg and i feel something?

most start to notice it around 16 weeks so it is probably your baby. Congrats!!! It feels like a flutter

What is the best way to get rid of my wart on my knee?

I had a cut there in my knee and a week later it grew into a wart. I've tried freezing it with this random product i bought in walgreens yet it hasnt even worked. Any specific product i should buy?

How could we use water energy to help conserve energy in a clroom?

I need to know for school but am having trouble finding ideas. So far all I have is using hydroelectricity.

How bad is Myrtle Beach Biker Week?

My fiance and I have reserved a resort there for our honeymoon in May and just found out about biker week. I was told it is all night parties and tailpipe noise and stopped traffic and that they pretty much shut down restaurant and bars. Should we go somewhere else?

What is the next level up from this "hunting" gun.?

i have had a 22 rifle much like this one--> a href="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.impactguns.com/store/media/ruger/ruger_1022rb.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.impactguns.com/store/736676011032.html&usg=__PA9-3dgakR5_xMMyECiGdOFFDNo=&h=300&w=590&sz=36&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=WxYXppR4cJ-pVM:&tbnh=81&tbnw=159&ei=cCxDTd3-BYHQgAe5ru3NAQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3D22%2Brifle%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D567%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=421&vpy=124&dur=219&hovh=160&hovw=315&tx=143&ty=84&oei=cCxDTd3-BYHQgAe5ru3NAQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0................................................My" rel="nofollow"http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http…/a question is..what hunting gun would be 1 or 2 levels stronger than this?

How can I make myself more flexible?

How can I make myself more flexible in order to kickboxing,wrestling,muay thai?How can I make my body flexible in order to do high kicks and punches?thanks.

Cooking in crock pots?

I actually have tonights dinner cooking in the crockpot right now! Spare ribs cooking in a blend of barbque sauce and a can of beer (idea given to me in response to a question I just asked about crockpots yesterday!). Crockpots are great. You just set it and forget it for like 8 hours while you're at work. Meats come out tender, sauces flavorful.

Loose 30 lbs in 8 weeks?

I have a wedding in 8 weeks that i seriously want to look just fab for. Im 170 with quite a bit af baby weight to loose. any suggestions. I know diet and excercise, (im already planning on that) But does anyone know of any extra steps i can take to do it.

Terminator 1,2,3 and Sarah Connor Chronicles?

watch the movies before the show. i've never seen the show but it's because i refuse to. it's made a mockery of the real sarah connor (see sarah in t2).

To all church of christ or iglesia ni cristo members only..?

Are you spiritualy prejudice? By the way who is this Felix guy, I never heard of him but I don't believe that he is the last messenger of God.

Is this how the Police in the United States Of America summon the motorist?

In Malaysia, when a motorist does any traffic of offense, the Malaysian Police signal the motorist to stop the car at the emergency lane. Most cases 99%, the driver in the car will sit inside the car. The policeman go near the driver side and ask for driving license. Then he go in front of the car check for valid road tax sticker. When the policeman learns that the driver has a expired license and expired roadtax and done an offense, he don't ask the driver to come out to answer. But the driver sits in the car and the policeman bend down near the driver car window ask " So how now kawan ( Friend)? The driver put up a smile and reply " Sorry Sir, I cant pay so much summon fee". Then the police ask , ok how much you have now with you? The Driver Say, I got M$20.00 only. The Policeman insert the driving license in his summon book and ask the driver to put the M$20.00 in his summon book which he already holding near the driver chest.. Is this how the Police openly take bribe in the United States of America?

Catchy name for a Football Clinic..any ideas?

My son is doing an advertising project for school. The project is all done, we're just trying to think of a really catchy name for his "Football Clinic" that he will be offering. He wants something that is a play on words (an ex. of a cute one for a hair salon would be "Curl Up and Dye"). I'm somewhat football illiterate so I don't really know terms and such for football. Anybody got some good ideas?

Does nasa try scientifically 2 find new fuel sources.?

or is that done in another division of united states space exploration,., if you know its name could you please write it for me!

Anyone who has any experience with self-harm?

i've been self-harming for a year now, mainly cutting. but lately, i've been wanting to not cut. it seems unappealing and i don't even get the urge to do it. but i'm still feeling upset and out of it, usually when i feel like this i cut. but in my mind i just feel like not doing it, for some weird reason. i don't know what to do though, because i'm so out of it. i'm upset. and everything literally looks like a big dull gray haze. it's scaring me. but i don't want to cut. i don't know what to do to liven myself.

Is this normal...my "boyfriend" is blanking and giving me the silent treatment too often without any reason?

Um. . . your children were molested by their own father and your biggest concern right now is some shitty relationship? Forget about relationships for a bit and pay attention to your kids instead of yourself for god's sake.

Help me! I feel so bad :(:(:( Basically I phoned my new friends I made at school cos i feel bad cos they seem?

to be in a two. And I said on the phone to my one friend - u can go shopping with just hilary and i dont mind and then i got sad at the end and went bye whatever and now i texted her and said i bet u and hilary are going to be like bst friends. and i feel so bad cos i cant tell them how i feel and they going into like a two sorta. now ive tried calling daisy (the friend i was talking to ) and i feel bad and worried cos i cant get her on her phone and she always has her phone on and maybe in the morning they might not wanna be my friend or not talk to me and i will be friendless cos ive started a new school. plus im talking to a girl online msn and she says shes going to call the police cos im cyber bullying cos we having an argument -that gets me worried cos i dont want the police to take me in she said she had evidence of the convo and we were swearing im so worried.anyway i have sooo much homework to do aswell as i cant find my swimming costume for tomorrow and i feel terrible i cant phone my friend cos i dont have enough money to make a call !!!! HELP PLZ THANKS

What do you think of Sammy from Jersey Shore?

I think she is stupid and annoying, and i think she's confused. How can you know that your boyfriend goes out to clubs and hooks up with other people and you stay with him. Then you turn on your friends cause they tried to do the right thing and keep some sort of peace in the house. And then she turns to the biggest 2 faced person in the house... Angelina, shes just being a doormat, shes letting Ronnie walk all over her.

How does being a POW and graduating at the bottom of your cl prepare you for the presidency ?

Sure mccain had a hard life but if thats the only qualification for president there are millions that should be picked over him. He graduated at the bottom of his cl at a school he only got into because of his father. Obama on the other hand came from nothing and graduated from columbia and harvard and was the president of the harvard law review. Isn't it time we had an intelligent president?

How do I remove the rear brake drum from a 97 plymouth voyager?

If it don't move at all it is frozen to the axle hub. Spray the hub with wd40 ind try to pry around the hub and back plate while tapping the hub with a hammer. Don't get real rough with it but keep working it. If there's some movement with it than adjust your shoes in.

Will momentum be conserved?

Imagine a universe that consists of nothing but two planets of unequal m. The large planet has a large negative charge and the smaller planet has a large (but different) positive charge. Suppose that at some time these two planets collide. Will momentum be conserved during the collision? Explain.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Need help filling the table for physics?

By 'first column", do you mean the net force? Well, note that the velocity is constant. By definition, that makes the acceleration 0 and the net force 0.

My roommate is stealing from me, what can I do?

I have three roommates and we all don't get along with one. I came home one day and noticed my things were in places I didn't leave them (I leave my bedroom locked), and then I noticed that my door looked like someone was shoving a card through it to get it open. I now realize that I'm missing a pair of pants. I know who would have done it, but I can't prove it. Is this worthy enough to go to the police? I talked to the landlord and they reinforced my lock but still won't kick her out.

Brown mucus and bleeding for 2 weeks?

ive had my period for 2 weeks now.. and it hasnt been a normal period ive had brownish mucus and bleeding. it was one week late. what could be wrong?

Does anyone know what it is like in a workhouse? my friend went to the Plymouth workhouse in Minnesota.?

I tried googling it online, but didn't really give me any ideas. I'm probably looking in the wrong place; He went to the Plymouth workhouse in Minnesota. the city is Plymouth, it is an adult corrections facility. can anyone give me an idea of what it's like and what does the inmates do while they serve their time? any answers is appreciated. thanks

Misdiagnosis...should I talk to a lawyer?

A internist ordered tests heart echocardiogram and liver ultra sound, plus the usual blood and urine tests. I was told by the Dr that he would CALL ME with the results. After waitng a week I called the DR's office a "nurse" told me the Dr had sent me out a letter. She said she would read the letter to me. She read that the results of the test (echocardiogram showed I had "stiffening of the heart" (aka cardiomyopathy) A quote from a medical site~~>"While all types of cardiomyopathy can cause heart failure, each case requires specific strategies for recovery. Heart failure is treated with a vigorous blend of patient education, dietary changes, and medications" So basically the Dr was saying I was morethanthisclose to heart failure. It was a Friday that the "nurse"ead me the letter on. The Dr was NOT available to ask questions of..the woman who said she was a nurse was less than empathetic actually seeming annoyed by my asking quaestions. I reported this way of infoeming me as to this

Where can i watch 17 again?

yeah so i can't find the movie online 17 again. its the one with Zac Efron. i thought it already came out in theaters in like august, but im not sure. so thankyou:]

EWCM at 5 dpo: What could this mean?

I ovulated on Monday and I started getting EWCM today. It is a little bit more watery than normal EWCM but I never get it this late after ovulation. Normally I will have it for a few days after O but not have it disappear and then reappear five days later?

Why does the fire in a fireplace burn more briskly on a windy day?

Wind blowing across the top of the chimney creates the Bernoulli effect, lowering the air pressure inside it; this increases the draw up the chimney.

Was the Arc of The Covenant radioactive?

In the Old Testament you read about it's effects on the ancients how some of them died from mishandling it. The Amorites suffered boils and cancer from the Ark of the Covenant. King David's friend Uzziah died after he mishandled it. In II Samuel 6/6-7. If this ark was not radioactive or possed not type of electricity then why did so many people die from carrying what you would beleive to be a un electronic ark.

Why is the name LEE so related to violence?

Well, between Europeans and Asians, it's a super common name... I'm sure there are a lot of Smiths related to violence also.

I have seen a crop circle which I'm sure is based on Euclids Algorithm. Can anyone help?

Unfortunately I cannot paste the picture of it but it can be found at http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2010/wilton/wilton2010a.html

I got traffic ticket?

saying you don't know wont help anything. especially in court. pay the fine, take the cl if they ign it, and learn from your mistakes. Since you have California drivers license, you are expected to know the traffic laws.

Ok I have a 1998 Plymouth Breeze that is having a little bit of a stalling problem. What is causing this?

Check for vacuum leaks, make sure that battery cables were put on tight, and double check your plug wires that they are on good. Really the only time I've personally ever had that problem was on a 91 GMC Jimmy and I had a loose ECM fuse (weird).

Do you have to have the multimedia package to buy a Blackjack 2?

Do you have to have the multimedia package to buy a Blackjack 2? My friend told me you did because it's a business type phone. The problem is that it costs over $70 a month, and I don't think my parents will pay that. I just like the phone, I don't care about the unlimited texting or internet.

Why did Jesus instructed his disciples to kill those who don't want him to be king over them? luke19:27?

Muslims are often seen as fanatics by Christians they say that Mohammed asked Muslims to kill the non Muslim, how can the Christians account for the statement of Jesus when he instructed his disciples to kill and or slaughter all his enemies who don't want him to be king over them, is that also another parable yet to be interpreted by the holy ghost?

Help. my father in law leaves skid marks on the toilet each time he goes, is this an issue with all obese ppl?

Seriously, I would like to know if this is a problem with his obesity? He leaves s*** on the toilet every time. And he doesn't clean it up. Should I say something or would this just offend him because he is over weight. 370lbs. Is this a common problem?

How to thank mad biker for THE solution to my question?

I wanted to know how to disable the LAN option/function on my HP computer. BIOS boot priority doesn't list this on my machine. The new combo-card I'd fitted was suspect, but by following Mad bikers direction - to look under device security - (not the obvious place I must say) I found a Networking option enabled (not LAN) which when disabled solved my boot-up sequence time delay problem - thank you Mad biker and thanks to all who responded to my cry for help. Very very sorry for the excessive delay - I have yet to discover how to target the person to thank directly via this Yahoo Answers site.

Who is prettier vanessa hudgens ashley tisdale kristin dunst amanda bynes gwen stefani and why ?

Gwen stefani definetly! all the other girls on the list follow all the trends because they aren't pretty enough to pull off their own look. gwen does her own thing and she looks great. she doesn't follow the "gotta be tan" fad and she's still beautiful. plus she has her own fashion style which is totally great and none of those other girls could ever look good in red lipstick.

How do the police calculate speed now?

Most new vehicles are computerized nowadays, it will only be a matter of time before legislation requires these computers also keep a record of the speed in conjunction with the GPS data.

Do you think she is interested? ?

Most deff yes! and parents are always a problem ask her dads permission first and then ask her again and if he says no just start as friends and eventually her parents will like u. i hope it works out it sounds like such a cute story.

Being truely realistic, what are my chances for Temple University and Drexel University.?

Well you extracurriculars do look solid. However, your GPA will hurt you. For Temple the average GPA for incoming freshman is 3.41, but you SATs look to be in the mid-50%. So definitely get your GPA up if you want a chance of getting into to Temple. Also, write a stellar essay and maybe explain the reasons behind your grades

Warren Haynes - Where can I find...?

I'm seeking live tracks of various bands such as Widespread Panic, Dave Matthews Band, etc. that feature guitarist Warren Haynes. Do you know a good source?

I NEED SKATEBOARDING HELP???? 10 pts for best answer?

Ok so i have been skateboarding for about a month I can drop in, Ollie, ollie 180, sometimes i can pop shuvit, and of course manual. I need help on my kickflip. When i do it my feet hit the ground first and then my board lands like a half a foot in front of me. Can you give me tips or website that can help me. plz give somewhat detailed answers and not just "your not flipping it right" can you tell me how to flip it right as best as you can.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Well i pains me to say it...but I have to admit?

Even at times i have moaned at our midfield but Fergie knows how to perfect his team to peak at the right moment, even if i have supported them for years i still get amazed at how he can draw the best from his players even if on paper they dont compare to other squads. I'll take a Fergie squad over any other mercenary squad anytime.

Question about hot tub standard, economy, and sleep modes?

We recently bought a hot tub and have a question about what setting to put it on when we are not in it in order to conserve energy as much as possible. At this time we use the hot tub on a daily basis, or at least every other day. The standard mode keep the tub at desired temp at all times....Economy warms it to temperature a filter cycles... Sleep mode keeps it within 20 degrees of desired temp at filter cycles. There is also an standard/economy mode which I am not sure about? When we get out of the tub for the last time of the day which cycle would you put it on? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

How big would a spaceship have to be to cause an eclipse?

To cover the Sun, a spaceship would need to have a width about 1/100th of its distance. If we say it's 200 miles up (there aren't many satellites below that height) it would therefore have to be 2 miles wide. Satellites at that height move quite quickly across the sky, so an eclipse of the Sun would be over in less than a second.

Aren't all theists moral relativists?

Just because you don't want to hear it, doesn't make it untrue. Everyone is a moral relativist. To claim that your morals are more grounded is relative to your perspective.

FUNNY! French diaspora Tamils...Are they jobless to Protests in Paris?

It’s extremely funny to see all this jobless youth protesting for nothing. LTTE is terror & they are torturing our own countrymen!! Don’t you understand brothers & sisters? This war is useless. Let’s stop this nonsense & build Sri Lanka. We love you tamil brothers & sisters!! Someone must have made a mistake in past BUT this is our time to be together and understand the reality. Think again…

I have done something wrong.?

I had installed AutoCad 2008 on my C drive. Then I moved the main folder to another drive. So it stopped recognizing the autocad files. So I deleted the software. Then I knew that I should have uninstalled it. So I went to control panel and it wasn’t there. Now I’m trying to install it again and it says that auto cad 2008 is already installed. How and where this file is which shows it installed ? Please help.

Whats Causes a 94 Plymouth acclaim engine to stumble upon acceleration from a stop?

I have a 94 plymouth acclaim with a 2.5L 4 cylinder engine. Car has been sitting for about a year or so. I have been noticing when starting off from a stop the nose of the car will dip down and stumble to accelerate. Once the engine is warm it wont do it anymore. Only does it for the first 5 mins. Car will stumble on takeoff act like its going to die. Changed Dist cap/rotor on,spark plugs and wires and also fuel filter.Car has went through all old gas and put new in it with some gumout carb fuel cleaner put in tank. Also cleaned egr valve and such. Did get codes 12,32,55 Any ideas on what to do to fix this will be appreciated.

Are these considered biographies/autobiographies?

I'm sure that your school would accept The Diary of Anne Frank. If your teacher protests this fall, tell him/her that The Diary is a first-hand account of a girl's life, beliefs, feelings, and day-to-day cirstances. It's true that it's a fragmented portion of her life, but it's definitely the hardest part of her life. The diary's pivotal to her development as a person (even if she didn't live long past her time in the Annex).

Why can't everybody admit that Rob Pilatus (RIP) and Fab Morvan possessed (and possess) more talent than Avril?

Well, they both faked their careers, sure they may have tried to b genuine but they never had the same success. I think they are all talented, however if you use another person's voice on your album is kind of bad.

What is the average profit??

does anyone know or have a good idea on the yearly profit of a banquet hall business... would it be more if i do the catering, silverware, decorations, security, and the whole nine yards pretty much?

How do I turn on my electric fire place?

Firstly turn all ons to the off position. Locate the one that gives you heat only, usually furthest to the left of the appliance, then by a process of elimination and remembering the sequence, press one at a time from left to right, give it time in between pressing the ons, some have a warming up period so spend quarter of an hour or so, getting to know the system

Is it possible to email Bank of America's customer service dep without signing up for Online Banking?

I have tried to reach them to report phishing e-mails without success. That's not to say that it is impossible, it's just that I haven't found the secret.

NBA: Who will win tonight's game?

Memphis beats San Antonio, Dallas beats Portland, Oklahoma City beats Denver, and Chicago beats Indiana.

What was the general education level of the mes in the time of Jesus?

Hi I am writing an article and did not know how to determine the education level of individuals during the time of Jesus. I am uming their intellect potential was/is the same of individuals today. What I am curious about is there a way to compare the two extreme educational levels. As an example: Most individuals had no education. Most individuals had the equivalent education of a second grader in our time. Or most could not read or write but could perform basic math. I would appreciate your insight. Thanks

Need to clear my sinus soon?

Im flying on a plane in 5 days, and i have been congested for about a month and i need to clear my sinuses out before i fly. I dont think its allergies because i have never had them in the past but i dont have an other cold symptoms except a little cough.

What should my tramp stamp say?

im gonna get a tattoo in my tramp stamp region, and what should i get? i was thinking a large pair of wings with fly with me written underneath. sounds pretty pimpin! or maybe my babydaddy's name. how would LA-SHAWN look down there? lemme know.

I am replacing my radiator with a new one. Do I need to flush out the new one and then refill with anti freeze?

I thought I saw a paper enclosed mentioning that I need to flush with distilled water or I would void the warranty. Is that necessary to use distilled water in the radiator?

Are girls as strong as guys?

Girls will never be physically stronger then men. Human anatomy shows that men are just built to be stronger. Of course A women can exercise, and become very strong, but they will never , in general, be as strong as a man is physically. To answer your question abour girls being able to life you? of course some girls could lift 145 pounds. Certain women could probably lift 200+ pounds, but on the average a women is not nearly as strong as a man will be.

My pport expires in May. Can I go on holiday and return OK for a trip end of March/Beg April?

as long as you are back b4 the expiry date you can travel....however better safe than sorry who knows you might get stuck so if i was in your place i would renew it and it seems you have the time to do it so why not and just to confuse you a bit more there are embies everywhere and they can renew you pport if you get stuck.....

Can anyone suggest a good book on how to develope a child's emotional intelligence?

I am in search of a simple book on how to develope a child's EQ. All the books that I have glanced so far apparatly beat around the bush. And to add to my woes they seem very complex. Can anyone suggest a readable book?

SmileyCat's Last Joke of the hour...Adult....For Women?

That wouldn't be all bad.Think about where the man's face would be in relation to you standing in front of him.If life gives you lemons make lemon ade. Peace...

Do indian need airport transit visa if i'm going to mali via paris?

I am indian flying from bangkok by airfrance connecting flite to mali having a valid visa with open air ticket not going out from the airport so do i need a transit visa to stay inside the airport.

What is your opinion of the Fairness Doctrine?

For one thing. No one will listen to the liberals. Other than the unfairness about the fairness doctrine, it could kill radio. People who support the doctrine don't care about getting both point of views, they care about limiting conservative talk because they feel if they do there is less resistance to their own influence. They want to silence conservatives.

Whats wrong with me...down there?!?

a href="http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnnSEVai_yD.BEj8P3.PRt86OXRG;_ylv=3?qid=20090904085509AAN23kr"http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind…/a

Want your opinions on this (reposted)?

Do you think its okay for a fan of a team to change their favorite team because the team isnt making any effort to improve or to win. Basically the team i am talking about is the Bengals. (I am not a fan of this team... Texans fan actually, but my friends and I were arguing about this so i want your opinions.) I feel so bad for their fans because Mike Brown is an absolute terrible owner and isnt worried about the fans, the team, or winning, all he his worried about is money. I mean hes even making tax payers pay for a new scoreboard... and he's a millionaire. He is holding this franchise back from being good and honestly it makes me sick. He won't trade Palmer, doesn't try to sign free agents unless there real cheap, won't hire a GM, etc.. Now my real question is do you find it acceptable for Bengals fans to become fans of a different team if they wanted to? Thanks a bunch for the answers ahead of time (i reposted this for more answers)

Which is your favourite Disney Channel Original Movie?

Mine's Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior and the 3 Zenon movies, Read It and Weep and Cheetah Girls 1&2

Since the Iraq war has gone so well, who should we invade on a whim next?

Now we have seen off that boy Saddam, who should we have a pop at next .. My personal view is that we should be nervous about the Germans going quiet on us again - Fair play if they want another crack.

Is a dative bond stuck next to a single covalent bond a double covalent bond?

If I understand your way, the nitrogen and oxygen of the dative bond will each have an upaired electron. If you want the O in the middle, you end up with two double bonds N=O=N. The doulb e bonds will be three e- from O and one from N. The reason the real structure is N=N=O has to do with "formal" charge which you may not have studied. In N=O=N the formal charge on O is +2 which is not preferred while in the other it is zero. The other rule of thumb not knowing anything is to put the LESS electronegative atom in the middle. That would be the N.

I have a bunch of questions about freeze branding?

Here in Utah you could not just design a brand. you would have to talk to the brand inslpector in your state. you could not use a brand someonelse has. It would have to be a brand that is no longer in use.or someone who who has quit breeding and is no longer using it. Here I think it costs about 35 dollars to have it done. Some vets. will also do it. You would have talk to the inspector.

Help? Thesis for a research paper on JFK's ination?

The ination of John F. Kennedy near the schoolbook repository in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, raised questions that have not yet been completely answered, gave rise to conspiracy theories that is some cases have not yet been disproven, and brought about myths and rumors that have not yet been completely put to rest.

Should the government make it madnatory to participate in surveys and experiments?

No it shouldn't. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but who knows what would happen with all of that data once it was compiled and how it would be used for or against the people who answered.

Bran muffins that taste like nasty molases. help?

so next time use the HFCS white or lite Karo in your recipe instead of the nasty moles. Also recommend you change from brown sugar to white sugar. That way you will not have any suggestion of moles in your muffin.

My teacher said anyone who denies the Holocaust and says its a jewish conspiracy is a?

bigot. i just realized muslims are Holocaust deniers and in the UK muslims are starting to demand that the holocaust is to be thought that it never happened. so by governmental standards is it now politically correct to call muslims bigots or are we just gonna tolerate more intolerance because its justified by yet another religion.

4 weeks pregnaut/Backache?

I am so worried because have been ttc for a year now, got a bfp:) but i am having lower backaches and lower ab cramping, like aunt flow is this normal??

How do i make a double underline? {first good answer 10 points!!}?

go to your typing thing like microsoft word and go to the top where it'll ask u if u want 2 double underline.

Friday, November 11, 2011


KC didn't seem too distressed in this last episode so I don't think he is going to commit suicide. I think Drew is going to be in the boiler room with Bianca and Alli can't find him so she gets mad and to get back at Drew she is flirting with Owen... on Melinda Shankar's youtube channel there is a video of her and Aislinn Paul and they say that there is a really intense story line that involves both of them, so I'm thinking Alli gets d by Owen and Clare gets d by Fitz... I still think Leia is going to die just because it is confirmed she wont be continuing on the show for the second half of season 10... I don't know how she is going to die, but most likely an accident... We are just going to have to wait till tomorrow to find out.

Who is that singer on the Clark's Rockin' Eve who had yellow eye makeup on?

Fergie said she was a famous singer but I didn't recognize her. I don't remember what she was wearing but she had prominent yellow eye makeup that went across her whole face (like over the nose too). Who was she?

This or that baby girl name?

1.Ashley 2.Brooklyn 3.Caitlyn 4.Danielle 5.Ella 6.Gianna 7.Hailey 8.Isabelle 9.Julie 10.Kaylee 11.Lillian :) 12.Makenna 13.Odette 14. Penny 15.Rebecca! love it!! 16.Sarah 17.Taylor 18.Veronica 19.Wanda 20.Xaria 21.Yara 22.Zoey.

How do I land a Giant Alligator Gar?

Me and my dad are fishing this weekend in a bayou that has some gar reaching 5 or 6 feet in length. I'm looking for people with experience catching these things. We managed to hook one last week that was about 4 feet long, but when we tried to bring it on the shore the hook came right out of its mouth. So, I made a dog catching tool out of some 1 inch heavy duty PVC pipe and some plastic coated steel cable, to form a noose at the end of the pipe. I feel fairly confident this will be sufficient but I wanted to get some feedback from other fisherman out there. Also, how might I go about de-hooking this fish without losing a finger or two. Any other thoughts on Gar fishing would be great too. Thanks everybody.

Physics projectile question!!!?

a daredevil is shot out of a cannon at a 45 degrees to the horizontal with and initial speed of 25m/s. a net is positioned at a horizontal distance 50 m from the cannon from which it is shot. at what height above the cannon should the net be placed in order to catch the daredevil?

My best guy friend likes me.. and im not sure how i feel about it.. whether i like him or not. help me please?

When you think about going out with him, does your heart race? Do you feel happier? Do you sigh? If you do any of these things you probably are or are starting to like him.

Just Lost My Mucus Plug 32 Weeks Pregnant?

OMG! I am in my 32nd week and just lost some of mine! (But, TMI: it was brown, no sign of pink or red) I called the OB nurse on duty, cause it was after hours yesterday, and she said it wasn't anything to be worried about, but to still keep a close eye on my body, if I start having too many Braxton Hicks contractions to lay down and drink lots of water, and to look out for any accompanying pain, if I was having bad pain to go in but usually it isn't anything to worry about yet, because some women lose it weeks before labor. My situation is different as I am carrying twins, but I am going to call the Dr. on Monday (even though I have an appt. on Thursday) just to make sure they know and have it on record. You should def. call the on call or on duty OB nurse to ask her and get some piece of mind, then call on Monday to let the Dr. know, just so it can go into the records. Yes you can lose it and have it grow back, and you can lose it and go into labor soon, so you have to pay attention to your body, because a pink or bloody show could be a sign. But yes, call the nurse now, and Dr. on Monday. Good luck to you! :)

Skateboard people hew know a lot about it!!!?

ok i have some snowboard bindgings and i want to to hook it on my bindgings on the skateboard for the tramp so how do i do it and i need to have and ancer by 6 my power goes out at 8 long story but quick!

Captain Planet? Awesome? Yes, I thought so.

yep i used to watch the h3ll outta captain planet!! very tru tho color wasnt an issue then now its worse then ever!!

I'm having hard time understanding this paragraph can someone plz rephrase it for me?

In 1913, she exhibited for the first time at the Societe des Artistes Decorateurs with a lacquered burgundy screen named, "le Destin". Demonstrated abstract decoration on one side and figurative on the other of youths carrying an old man in a shroud, the lacquered screen created a sensation at the exhibit. Le Destin captured the attention of Jacques Doucet, an art patron and collector. Miss. Doucet bought the screen and soon commissioned Eileen Gray to design more furniture pieces. One of Doucet's famous contributions to the world of art and design was his creation of his studio at Neuilly, sadly dismantled years ago. Doucet's studio displayed many works of artists who became influential to many generations – Rousseau's The Snake Charmer, Pico's abstract work, Les Demoiselles D'Avignon, a Modigliani portrait, a Lalique sculpted crystal door, a Brancusi sculpture and of course, Eileen Gray's Lotus table. Lacquered in deep green, the table is decorated with gold amber rings and silk tels at its corner.

How many calories should I eat on that atkins diet?

It says in the book: Eat once every 6 hours... and I hang out with my friends a lot so I need to bring meat that I can carry around with me for a long time, that does not need to be refrigerated such as hot dogs, pepperoni slices, pieces of bacon etc... But I'm curious how many calories I should consume if I do eat once every 6 hours. Since I am awake for 18 hours a day, I should be eating 3 meals a day.

Does poor spelling/grammar bug you too or am I being ?

poor grammar and poor spelling winds me up with a vengeance!!!! unless the person who wrote the said poor instances has a learning difficulty or is a child. it especially annoys me if the poor grammar/spelling is in official notices/doents!!!! having said that, we all make mistakes occasionally!!

A monochromatic source of 450nm illuminates 2 slits that are 3.0x10^-6 m apart

Find the angle at which the first order maximun occurs. For a screen that is 1.0 m away from the slit, how far will the first order maximum be from the centre line??

Why do you think are there so many transvestites in Thailand?

A friend from Thailand once told me that these individuals do it mainly to provide income for their family and since there is a "demand" for transvestites, they would opt going through surgery and medications to bring out the feminine side. Most surgeries include implants, removal of adam's apple, facial augmentations, and on some occasions, removal of the male organs. They then take medications such as estrogen to lower male hormones.

Whose the worse pitcher: Zito or Willis?

I gotta say, I'd rather hand the ball to Barry Zito. Besides this season and last season, he's shown himself to be the better pitcher over time, and he's shown flashes of that skill, decreased velocity or not. Willis is skilled, but had one powerful season along with some crappy ones, he has a lot of work to do if he intends to be a consistent major league pitcher.

Trouble in my current relationship!!?

You need to stop worrying about him and start thinking about you. If he deals with his problems by pushing you away and not wanting you in his life then is the relationship you want? I think you can do better plus he is moving soon. Best of luck!

Why is Obama suing AZ when his own DOJ Ignores Cases With Black Defendants, White Victims?

Kinda makes you wonder how he got elected, Huh? Voter intimidation, voter fraud with ACORN. This president was a plant from the beginning. I have faith if we get the right people in office, charges will be filed on him. Also, consider me a birther. I don't believe he's a citizen.

Treated unfairly on the job?

okay i got fired last wensday when me and my boss's son loaded a truck....we left a skid off the truck an they fired me for it when we both should have been accountable right? and also i seen him quit one day when he got mad because he was being lazy he hit a box flipped everyone off in the workplace and walked out...okay so he went to find a job didnt find one and this was a wensday and he walked back through the doors on monday where else could he do this? no where... an she is not the gm she is just a manager and i think if the gm knew about this he would be mad....

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles season finaly?

Hi were can i watch the season finaly? I tryed fox.com they only have episode 13 but not the 2 hour finaly were can i watch this at?

What are the most profound changes we will face in the next twenty five years?

In other words will it be towards religion? Or shift in world power? (considering that Bush's madness of world domination). Or it going to be something else that no one thought of? Ponder that.

Opinions on French names?

I am not crazy about any of these names to be quite honest, but no, I don't think it's weird to give your kids French names if that's what you like. I am not Irish or Polish, but I love Irish and Polish names, and would use them for my children

Have you ever seen anything like this (U2 vid from 2001)?

please watch until the end and try to tell me you've seen anything better. a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0UQHbQljsM" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0UQHbQlj…/a

Does tap water in a humidifier create dust?

No it does not create dust but it does cause dust in the air to fall and settle wher it may have just remained in the air before. If you have excedingly hard water you may get a slight bit of calcium dust from that if you water is really that hard you need a water purifier.

Is there magic in the name Sammy Davis Jr?

My brother told me if you're sick and scream out "Sammy Davis Jr" you will get well. Is that true? Have you TRIED it?

Alzheimer's or something else?

My gma is 56 years old. In a matter of 4 years, she has gone from a fully functioning, working woman to stage IV Dementia. Everything I have read says that Alzheimer's takes time to progress. She is so young and has gone downhill sooo fast. Now she is starting to shake and jerk, like she is losing muscle control. I don't know what to do. No one will do anymore tests or anything besides keep her on the stupid medicine that obviously isn't doing anything.

How to ask my boyfriend to the Sadie Hawkin's dance?

Well he's your boyfriend!!!! That pretty much means that you guys are already going together!!!! Just talk to him casually about it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I need to know who sings this song!?

It goes something like this....It starts out... "Texas, Texas"... What town you say you from? we from that crunk tex(as)... And then... Like... T-E- Cross it out X. or something like that... Can you please tell me who does this song?

I still like my ex but...?

it sounds like you are interested in going back with him. and it sounds like he is interested in getting back with you...

Why does he hate me so much ?

My boyfriend and myself were together for like 2 months, and he was like i love u and really clingy.. so i eventually dumped him.. now he really hates me.. and is vile to me .. saying how much he wants to kill me.. and wen we went out he was digging a hole saying this is your grave.. i dont get what i have to to make him hate me so much! GEEZ help ? :/

Pain in my lower right rib cage and back?

Stay gently mobile and try using an ice pack on the painful area. If the pain does not start to subside, go and see your doctor or someone like a chiropractor.

Dog's baby teeth will not come out, help.?

We bought a little Yorkie a year ago, she has her permanent teeth in but also still has the incisor baby teeth, poor little thing, she looks like a little alligator, we have tried to see if they are even loose with a piece of dental floss, they are not. Does anyone know approximately how much to have the vet remove these. Am afraid to even guess. She weighs about four or five pounds. Thanks much.

So if OJ didn't do it...?

Who did? Why didn't someone ever try and figure that out? If they did, I can't find it anywhere... maybe I'm not searching hard enough...

Do you find its much harder to look for a job and its more competitive since jobs are listed on the web now?

Finding work was once a breeze but so many people know about and apply for that same position because the web spreads the news of the job listing widespread.

Solution stoichiometry?

how many milliliters of 0.10 M Pb(NO3)2 solution are required to precipitate all of the lead as PbI2, from 125mL of 0.10 NaI solution?

Half-century of conservatism undermined America's security?

People like this forget that everytime we get a liberal in power our military gets cut way back. In the Carter and Clinton administrations our forces were cut by a third.

How much could i get for a basketball signed by Reggie Miller, Jermaine O'neil, pete rose, sammy sosa, and mor?

i got it and it has been in a case since i did get it, i need an approximate of how much i could get for this on ebay

Who sings the "santa claus is coming to town" on disney channel at the moment? (2009)?

The blonde guy with the "punk"-ish hair cut and has some sort of accent.. they always play it in the commercials. But who sings that? I can't find it! Please help :)

Help me with family budget?

I am not sure whether you are qualified to do this or not, but there is a smart way of making money with least effort. The M-L-M concept, that is Multi-Level-Marketing. You might have heard of oriflame or amway. They sell through a network of sales people, and indirectly earn a commission on every additional member. If you are working, then its much easier. You need to catch hold of a few friends and convince them to become your agents, and then the chain grows.

Can you believe Rumor Willis made it on People's Most Beautiful list?

I'm sorry but she is NOT attractive. She almost looks like a guy. Is that Harsh? I'm sorry but was she beaten with the ugly stick? That was just wrong & awful. SORRY. Her mom Demi is gorgeous; I would be too after all the plastic surgery. Demi's body rocks and dad Bruce is a man's man and pretty good looking. Rumor didn't seem to get the Pretty gene. I guess she better start saving for future plastic surgery. LOL I know that was ugly but hey, these people are FAIR game WHEN they are in the PUBLIC eye. For Rumor I have to say your step daddy is super HOT. Now Demi and Ashton have a good chance of having a pretty baby; maybe! Why do you think Rumor made the list this year? Am I competely wrong?

Who should be my new rival now alpha wolf is gone?

People like to say KING and Alpha Wolf was the best rivalry, but everyone with common sense knew me vs. Alpha was where it was at. Now Alpha is gone, who is my new rival? Maverick_777 is the current front-runner to be my new rival.

How to make Ham and Beans?

I am looking for a ham and bean soup recipe. Made in the crock pot. Can anyone give me a good recipe. Thanks so much:):):):):):)

Favre owns almost every career record (including INT). But do you rank him among the top 10 QB in NFL history?

Yes he would be ranked among the top 10. If he wasn't as good as he is, they would have forced him to retire by now (even if he's pissing me off by leaving and rejoining). Hes very consistent on being a great QB and has made many clutch pes in the nick of time to save the game.

How many ornaments does it take to fill a christmas tree?

Im trying to buy decor ( ornaments) for my first christmas tree and Im not sure how many I will need to buy to start off with? ( its a live christmas tree as well)

Whats a good free and legal music downloading site?

i had ares, i think that gave me a virus. and i heard limewire does too. what can i download that wont give me viruses and is free?

Bfp but very faint - afternoon wee to blame? only held it for an hour?

A positive generally means positive. It may have been pale because you didn't wait long enough to read the test or the test may have been old. Take a second test to be sure! Call your OB/GYN if you have any concerns! They are usually really good about helping ease concerns. It is their job to help you! Good Luck!

Can anyone rephrase this pragraph for me?? plzzzzzzz thanx?

While doing an ysis of this movie it became clear just how much detail is obvious in any communication be it verbal or non-verbal. It is seen that every movement, facial expression, tone of voice contributes to ones interpretation of the characters. Everything has value, and when added up, it is a step by step process building up drama and ending in the climax of the film. It is eye-opening to recognize how the little things make such an impact on how a scene or the entire plot moves towards the development of the movies climax.

Who is the protagonist/antagonist in the Scarlet Letter?

Obviously Hester would be seen as the protagonist, but what makes her so? and who then is the "hero" of the story (Arthur Dimmesdale?).. and although Chillingworth seems like the obvious choice for an antagonist, could it be that it is someone else (as he does not cause the most trouble for the characters)? please offer youre opinions and ideas. any help is appreciated :D

Defamation and slander question?

how are truthful statements (which may still damage reputations), judged under current defamation rules?

Girl in my cl and talking back?

A child who has come out of an abusive situation, who has a sibling still in the abusive home, needs to be treated gently. That doesn't mean letting her get away with being disrespectful, next time don't let the situation escalate, if she needs to speak with someone during a time when students aren't allowed to leave the area they are in, direct her to the principal, someone kids should always be allowed to speak with.

Do you know this movie or TV show from the 80's?

It was about some teenagers who were like flying spaceships. It was a futuristic show. I remember one scene in which they were walking through town and an alarm went off to warn the people that there was going to be a lack of oxygen. they had to put on special masks. One lady didn't have hers...so one of the teens put her in a "phonebooth" type thing so she could breathe. One of the characters was named "Beanie"? I watched this as a kid, but don't remember a name or anything. Its probably a movie. Please, someone tell me what it was? It might have been Disney.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is it legal for my teacher to do this?

You should really speak to the person who gave out your number in the first place........that was wrong.

Is it okay to buy used baby items?

Or should everything for the baby be brand new or is there only certain things that should be brand new? I always heard that using hand me downs is okay for baby but with all the recalls of late I am scared. Is there things I should be wary about when it comes to buying used baby gear?

Can someone please help me out?(long, sorry)?

hey this is lynn 1st of all you cant love anybody within 2 weeks this guy don't love your friend he has only known her for 2 weeks it takes longer then 2 weeks to get to know somebody and to love somebody and it sound like to me this guy that your friend is with is just using her for cause he don't care about her 2 weeks is to less of a time period to know if you love some one or care for them i think your friend needs to get rid of this guy cause he just using her for and its really sad that he wouldn't even come up to the hospital when your friend committed suicide its also really sad that this guy took your friends virginity cause all he wanted was from her any way i would tell your friend to get rid of him he is a user

What do you think of the first few chapters of my book? Cloud Nine?

Wow that was really good! Just one thing I noticed was that the dad died two years ago, and they have a baby. How old is she? I can't wait for more!

Is 3mbps/300kbps enough for a good online gaming experience?

yeah im looking into hughes net right now because im moving in the boonies and i have a ps3, i stream netflix and all that junk. just wondering if it will be good at all? i know when the weather is ****, the service is **** but i dont really care. i read alot and i excercise alot so i know what im infor. just wondering if it is even at all good for gaming online?

Will human flesh trading soon evolve into an honorable profession?

Many in the Pentagon have researched this as the next avenue to human wealth and progress. Will Americans embrace it as well?

Did Muslim Leaders & Imams Make a Terrible Mistake uming Collective Guilt after 9-11?

The Muslim leaders and Imams made a terrible mistake by uming collective guilt right after 9-11, and because of that Muslims are suffering. Why should Muslims be responsible for other Muslims. We do NOT have a "community." We simply share a set of beliefs. Muslims are as diverse as white people in America.

What kind of guitar should i get between 300-400ish dollars?

if you like angels and airwaves it's above your price range but the tom delonge epiphone is good semi hollow are good guitars so the epiphone dot studio is good it cost 270.00 a pure electric that's good is the jackson js32t rhoads electric cost 300.00

How do I get my taskbar and menubar to reappear when I have internet explorer open?

My daughter hit some keys on our laptop and now when we have internet explorer open, it doesn't show the tool bars? One acts like it is invisible but when I right click on the bar, it doesn't have a check next to invisible? Also, my internet explorer window takes up my whole computer screen. I am quite annoyed so I would appreciate any advice so I can go about my day. :)

In fantasy football is a trade for Ahman Green and Brandon Marshall for Marvin Harrison a good trade?

I have marvin harrison and was offered this trade... my running backs now are L.J. Jamal Lewis Fred Taylor and Jerious Norwood and my receivers are marvin harrison darrell jackson donte stalworth dj hackett and marty booker..... will this trade improve my team

Why isnt matt hughes scheduled for any new matches?

not that im a fan of his egotistical self.. but his last fight was back in march.. and it doesnt seem he has anything in the works.

Remember The Titans questions, pleasee helppp!?

3. Its effective because without it being done the boone would never have allowed the quarter back to throw a spit fire play on the offensive line.

Will Nate Kmic have a chance to play in the NFL?

i believe a few years ago RJ Bowers was the NCAA all time leading rusher and he played for the steelers as an undrafted FA. He was a fullback. He only got a few carries and i believe didn't last an entire year. As for Kmic, I think those stats will allow him to get a look, but most certainly as a FA. He will be asked to come to someone's camp and try to make the team. Perhaps he will make the practice squad and get a shot if someone gets injured. Maybe he will have to switch positions and play fullback. I don't think he will last long in the NFL, but i wouldn't be surprised at all to see him get a shot.

Why does Yahoo Answers want children to identify themselves in an age bracket?

I don't think 14 year olds should be on this site reading this smut and misinformation. However, I don't really see how YA can really know who anyone is. They probably need the statistics to prove they are operating legally.

Accounting: How does equipment and tool purchases appear in a general ledger?

Generally, if the equipment is going to be used for more than one year, it is placed on the balance sheet as an et and depreciated over its useful life. Say the company buys a computer for $2000 and its expected useful life is 5 years. Put it on the balance sheet as an et and for each of the 5 years, you reduce the balance of the et account using the contra-et account 'Aculated Depreciation - Office Equipment' and allocate $400 to the expense account 'Depreciation Expense - Office Equipment'.

How gory is the movie fido?

a href="http://www.dvdempire.com/Exec/v4_item.asp?userid=99366392215264&item_id=1362236&searchID=472353" rel="nofollow"http://www.dvdempire.com/Exec/v4_item.as…/a

Why shouldn't you ask Rolf for a loan?

Because Rolf would pay you in coconut leaves but they're only good in his Pacific Island of Trini's Dad & Too Bad, Go...

What are some good tv shows to watch?

Community and The Office. They air on NBC thursdays at 8 and 9 pm. Very intelligent and very funny, and the casting is terrific!

What is a good dog food for a dog with Liver enzymes that are off the chart?

Have a 7 year old Shi=Chi that had a cbc today. Liver enzymes were literally off the chart! Is on Denamarin. What is a good over the counter food for him. He is a small dog and has been on Benaful small bites for awhil now. I am soooo worried about him.

Jon&Kate plus 8? Sad.?

I've watched the show since Season 1 and have always though of Kate as bossy but I don't understand why people are saying she pushed Jon to cheat??? Also was anyone really sadden by tonights episode? When Alexis asked Jon not leave it broke my heart.Plus he acts like he just really wants out of the responsibilty of being a husband and dad with his needing a break and stuff.

Lyrics about the fall of America and rise of China, feedback?

There is one thing Americans will stand together for and that is our freedoms. We stand united, we've spilled blood all over this world, a Country full of soldiers who came here from many nations. We may not always agree on politics, but we agree that we want to live free, worship freely and will strike fear into the hearts of or even rip the hearts from anyone who tries to tare our nation down. We are ITALIAN, WE ARE MEXICAN WE ARE ENGLISH, IRISH, CANADIAN, SPANISH, AFRICAN, INDIAN, NATIVE AMERICAN, ISRAELITES, ARABS WE COME FROM ALL DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD EVEN CHINA. So Chinese rise? Please.

What time Christmas morning does Christmas present opening begin?

My Christmas starts at 9:00 am or 9:30 then since my grand-parents are our homes bottom floor we go down there at 10:00 am.

Fast tap solo songs?

No, those songs are HORRIBLE! No offense, but those aren't tap songs at all. I did "Rock This Town" for my tap routine, it's an 80's ish song, and it's a good, fast song.

Cooking steak/other read meat in a crock pot?

Anyone know of any good and easy crock pot recipies for steaks and pork chops? I know good ones for chicken, but would like to try other meats. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How is it that religion has such a stronghold in society that it impedes over simple human rights?

For example, my last question was about speaking to muslim women in Canada who wear the veil. I want to talk, as long as they are aloud to or willing, about why they feel they should or need to wear it here in our westernized society. The plan was to be very respectful obviously, but then I got attack mail from Christians and others calling me a racist, a bigot, a f***head and a plethora of other insults, which all mean nothing to me.

Are metal alloy gauges bad?

im looking into buying some black metal alloy gauges are they good to put in even though my ears aren't healed or are they bad period, should i stay away from them and stick to uv stainless steel

My nose stuf fell out?

hey guys sooo im angry i just got my left nose done for my birthday april 16th... and last friday the 7th i was getting my bird when i moved my arm across my nose not thinking and my jumper riped my nose stud out... so i ran to the bathroom to try and put it back in but i couldnt i was trying for 2 hours straight and i couldnt go to get it put back in were i got it done because they are at least hour away and there isnt any placers around here that does it so.. i had to leave it, it was way to painfull after to hours...soo it got swollen and had puss around it so i cleaned off the puss and now 3 days later its looks better then it did it just little red like its got dryed blood on it its hard to explain anyway so i have to wait to it heals to get it re-done i dunno if i should or not im angry because i was sooo carefull with it didnt have no problems even had a bandaid on it for sleeping and cleaned it 3 times a day and in a second its gone.... has anyone else had this problem??? if so what did you do?? and did you ever had any problems or infections with the stud or after it fell out and closed up??? thank you

I'm inlove with this guy but i'm not sure what iu shud do?

If he's not otherwise a player or casual flirt, then yes he is interested in you too. As to why you guys stopped texting eachother, maybe he started to get abit busy. Try hanging out with him, you'll be able to read people better in real life.

I have a question on the Organic Synthesis of Acetylsalicylic Acid?

In the recrystallization step, why might additional precipitate form after filtration? Why should that be filtered through the same filter paper?

Should i go for exciting and temporary or stable and secure?

I've found myself flirting with a few different guys at the same time, I'm not a flirty person and am now confused as to what I want, on the one hand, one of the guys has my skin tingling with anticipation when we talk, he's into the same stuff as me and it would be electric, but not long term, I have never been one for a quick fling, on the other hand, the other guy is sweet, kind, reliable and would be a good long term thing, we've liked each other for a while but neither has said anything. I'd like to be with him but I don't want to loose the chance to be with the first guy. I know I cant have both, and the long term guy has complications too, he's a good friend of my ex who, after 5 months apart, is still trying to control my life. I really don't know what to do, any ideas guys?

Will this ram upgrade 1 gig to 4 gigs make a huge difference in gameplay?

I have a Toshiba Sattelite computer, L350-ST2121, with a Intel GMA 3100, I currently have 1 gig of ram and windows vista home basic. I play world of warcraft, and I was wondering if upgrading from 1 gig to 4 gigs of ram will significantly improve my fps and other aspects of the game. My processor is also a duel core 1.86 ghz. Essentialy im asking if the 60 bucks im gonna spend is worth it

A Rasmussen poll says 33 percent under the age 30 prefer socialism. And the Right may be partly to blame?

For decades the right have described popular social programs as socialist so it is not surprising that many people have accepted their definition of the word. I doubt 30% of young people wants the government to run US corporations.

Pure Substances in Chem?

A pure substance is a substance that cant be changed into another substance without a chemical reaction. Water is a pure substance.

Which sign is really my rising sign?

Astro.com is very accurate, many people have problems with cafeastrology being accurate. So yes your rising is Pisces.

Lungs feel heavy, hard to breathe, but no coughs?

My lungs feel heavy and I now have a sore throat. However, I have no coughs so that rules out bronchitis. I have a history of asthma and yesterday, I did physical activity which I haven't done in about 2 years. Could that be the reason why my lungs feel so heavy and weak, because I am out of shape? The only other possibility was that during mountain biking, I inhaled alot of irritants in the air. I went through alot of brush, flowers, thorns, trees, tons of dirt you name it. The weather was particularly hot in San Dimas, CA.

How can I make a girl think I'm a sbag?

go out with somebody ,it will break her heart to see you with someone else but are you sure you want to do this why not tell her straight your not into her , it would makes things more simple and quicker

White women who believe Oriental men are the least desirable male based on what?

"always ready to work 24/364" my guess would be no chicks like you b/c you walk around with a creepy yellow ***** all the time.. even the horniest of chicks would end up using that as a coat rack after dating you for a day...

What are some great bands?

Yikes! you listen to terrible music, why don't you listen to Led Zeppelin, and deep purple and Jimi Hendrix, and black sabbath, and jethro tull, and the beatles, and the stones, and bob Marley, and stuff like that.


No . . . I bought them and they hardly straightened my hair . . . I know GHDs are expensive and I couldn't afford them for ages but they are worth saving up for!

Who thinks yahoo answers is an accurate representation of peoples attitudes?

i mean if i post a question on here would i get the same statistical results as i would asking people in the streets?

Is a lower back tattoo always a tramp stamp?

idiots call them tramp stamps, you know people who have them on their or their hips by their hoo hoo's ( to be lady like) don't get them called anything. i have had a tattoo on my lower back for four years now, happily married for 5 years, never cheated and have two beautiful children, so how would that clify me as a tramp? i think trampy people are from what they do, not from what they have on their body, or for where!

What show concept, would you create, to replace NXT?

i would say a combo of the divas search and nxt wear good icon divas come back to trian wwe divas or rookie divas

Liberals & Conservatives, What do you think about U.S. involvement in Libya?

im not sure we belong there... i mean i would love to help but we cant do everyones job for them... believe me i would love to help out. but we will over extend ourselves, you can only fight a war on so many fronts before you start loosing... its basic strategy

Evaluate sin and csc what?

No, they're just asking you to know that sin(-t) = -sin(t), so if you know the sin of -t, you know the sin of t. And csc(t) is 1/sin(t), so if you have sin(t), you have csc(t).

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hypothetical question: Ending a relationship.. what is best?

Suppose you are miserable in a relationship and have been for a long time. You are certain that your significant other is MUCH better off without you (i.e. takes care of themselves and improves when you're not around.) However, you're very much attached and your significant other is VERY dependent on you. You are afraid they will deteriorate emotionally and possibly commit suicide if you end the relationship, but you know deep down that you have to. How would you go about doing it, in a way that would result in the least amount of pain and heartache?

I'm worried about my grades?

I've heard my teachers say that I have the ability to get straight A's- I just need to study more. My homeroom teacher also told my dad that I need to participate more (that's why I'm getting B's and B+'s instead of A's). I'm in seventh grade, and my teacher says that high schools will look very closely at this year. For the most part, I received A's and B's. But also, three C+s. One in science for one quarter, and two in math for two different quarters. For the last progress reports, I got a C in math and C+ in science cause I slacked off. I got really worried so I worked really hard to raise my grades. Unfortunately, the math/science teacher only gave us like 2 grades. So I raised my math to a C+ and she told me that I was ONE POINT away from getting a B- in science. Exactly one point. -_- I'm REALLY worried! And I honestly regret slacking off. Once again, I mostly got A's, A-'s, B+'s, and B's. No B-'s. Except for those ******* three C+s. >_< HELP ME! I wanna get excepted into a good high school, but idk if they'll accept me with my grades. :(

Were the Nazis Catholics Christians Atheists?

Atheism was not wide spread until recently. To think any country was predominantly atheist 80 years ago is a fantastic display of ignorance.

My bird is really sick I need some care advice!?

You strike me as a very caring person,you are giving your bird loving care,this is something money can't buy.Your description says it is a very sick bird indeed,probably injured too;keep the wound in the wing,clean & dry.Use an antboitc powder or ointment over it,any chemist or pet shop should stock this & it is not likely to bevery expensive.You seem to be looking after all it's other needs very well,keep it up.Inspite of all this if the weak little bird gives up,then you will have the satifaction of knowing that you have done all that you could.

Should I buy this Dell monitor?

I have pretty much the same specs on my acer monitor (whom i like better than dell, personal preference) and it's really nice. As long as you aren't planning on putting sunlight right on it. It should be really nice.

If you were the teams in the NFC East (PHI, DAL, WAS, NYG), Who would you sign from free agency/trades/draft?

I am an Eagles fan, but I know quite a bit about the NFC East. The Eagles need a good cornerback (possibly Asomugha of the Raiders), another safety to go with Nate Allen, a linebacker, and their offensive line is horrible. Dallas does not actually needs a QB because they have Romo. They probably need to work on their line, because that was their problem coming in, and they were garbage this year. Washington needs a QB because McNabb and Grossman are both no good. They probably need a DT to replace Hanseworth. Finally the Giants. They actually have a solid team, but they just need players who don't choke like they did vs the Eagles.

Vicks Sinex decongestant mist.Nose Spray. Says ask doctor if Symptoms occur more the. 3 days!?

The irritation from the spray and the "rebound effect" the respondent above talked about will make things worse, not better. Change meds. Get Guafenesin ( several forms available) and if your blood pressure is normal, Sudafed. It is still available without a Rx, just behind the counter.

How can Obama,Win the Nobel Peace prize and wage war in many countries.?

Sending unmanned drones and using the war like a Pc game where the operator has no sense of human felling causing civillian deaths.Can such a man retain nobel peace prize.

Whose your fav or some of your fav rock bands?

i love disturbed, slipknot, korn, system of a down, lamb of god, cold play, hollywood undead..and lots more. who are some of your fav rock bands

I need help, toning my abs real fast. i know of crunches but how many a week?

don't use a schedule they limit you too much just eat right and do some crunches and go swimming as much as you want to you see if you stick to a schedule then you will never get abs cuz your muscles will be use to the amount of crunches that you are doing very some odd days so yea hope this helps mike

I am a student of B.tech(I yr)in RTU, now i want to change my college but under RTU itself..is it possible?hlp

how much percentage do i need to change the college in 2nd yr..i jst want to change from one college to another under Rajastahan Technical University.....its urgent.....please rply soon..........

Does anyone know the recipe for the lemon drops at Amber in Seattle, WA?

I went to Amber with someone I was dating this past summer and ever since we've been obsessed with either finding or making the perfect lemon drop and nothing seems to compare. We both live out of state so just going to Amber for lemon drops isn't an option. I'm flying to the East coast to visit for Christmas and bought him some silver martini gl and drink shaker ornaments. I'd love to give him those and the recipe for the actual Amber lemon drop as a Christmas gift. We've found the ingredient list online but the recipe is nowhere. If you know it I would be very grateful to have you share it with me.

Gay relationships and astrology2?

A few gay men I know had only one aspect in common. Moon opposing their Ur. The rest you mention do not apply. I know many straight men and women that have those.

Is there a service that will buy domain names that are approaching expiration?

Check out this article: a href="http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/archive/2005/03/how-to-snatch-an-expiring-domain" rel="nofollow"http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/archi…/a

What is the best software a writer can use to type up a mcript?

If you can give me the year as well, like Windows 98, etc. I need something that will help me catch grammatical errors especially.

What is a good male costume to match a female genie for Halloween?

Need help with matching my girlfriends Halloween costume. Any ideas on what matches a stereotypical genie?

What's a good, productive, way to deal with stress?

i agree with the other poster..you should work out. i have been stressed out lately and started going to the gym about an hour a day and it actually helps a lot. and the bonus is, i look a lot more fit than i did before..i also have more energy. so you should give it a try!

Who should be the next president according to you?

some examples would be sen. kerry, hillary, mitt romney, john mccain, rudy giuliani, chuck hagel, john edwards, bill frist etc.

How much antifreeze ingetion is fatal to a person?

I was poisoned by my husband's girlfriend (he's in prison) a few years ago, and threw up most of it, as it was apparently in my food or drink. Now, I'm in liver failure. How much would I have had to ingested to survive a few years before liver failure?

How does this sound? (Spanish)?

Como te lastimaste el el brazo? Tienes el brazo hinchado Me cai del caballo y creo que me rompi el brazo. Me duele mucho. A ver...No, no tienes el brazo roto. Pon hielo sobre el brazo todos los dias por una semana y toma unas aspirinas para el dolor.

I need help with my dog ASAP! Please read!?

What little I know is just that its an infection and the meds have an antibiotic base when they kick in(they have to build up in her system she will start to feel better and so will you. Best wishes

Chocolate chip cookies help needed!!!?

I need to know if whether you could replace vanilla in the cookie with vanilla sugar. If so, will it taste good? And how can you make the cookie chewy? Will using Hershey chocolate on the cookies do any harm?

I need advice.. PlZ help?

I met this guy online and we have been talking to each other on off through txts n phone calls but we have never met each other he doesn't even know how I look. He says he really likes but seems like he's just infatuated about the idea of knowing there's someone outthere that likes him. He would always txt me but lately I would have to txt him n he would always tell me that if txted me or called me last he wouldn't call or txt until I did. I didn't like that its like playing games. I feel like I do like him but at the same time no. Its been over a month since we've talked or txted he called me about 2 weeks ago and nothing more I didn't answer cuz I was working should I call him? Or just leave it be and move on.

Julius Caesar Play Help!!!!?

Do your own homework, with the help of "Shakespeare Without Tears" or a parent if necessary.

Clic Lotto question?

I don't understand: "there are 10 play areas and you can register for up to 10 consecutive draws?" Do you have all the same numbers for all 10 draws on that card? Or do you have to keep coming back to the retailer with the same card each time so they can give you new numbers? So, you can use one card ten times? I usually play Ten-oh in which I think the card is only valid for one drawing - I don't understand this "10 plays" thing.

Just Malaysians ... just Malaysians ...?

I'm looking for some Malaysian friends who I can talk to. If you are one of them, please let me know.

Way to tell a touchy girl to stop (politely of course, but so she'll get the point)?

Ok so there is this girl who is really touchy with me and im having a little difficulty with her. One, she is only touchy with me not my two friends with whom we hang out with. Two, i kinda like her but for now i'm not that interested in anything. Three, she is really starting to piss me off because i've asked her several times to stop touching me but she just laughs and stops for a while then continues on. Fourth, i want to tell her to stop touching me but do it in a way that she gets the point and doesn't end our friendship. I've gotten to the point where i almost told her to either put out or stop f**king touching me (pardon my french) but im a nice guy so....yea

Famous names?

Kids are mean and I think that kids that have names of famous people will get teased more often, or will be expected to be a ceratin way.. Just my opinion

Customs has my package and i got a letter to get owndership of trademark?

okay so i recieved a letter from customs that i need to give them a letter for trademark ownership. is there any way i can claim it or anything i can do to get my package? since i contacted the seller and they have no letter whatsoever since its only replicas. Any things i can do? i need help i spent alot of money on this and now the seller is not trying to help me what soever. i even got insurance on the package and they said they cant do anything about it because customs still have it. what can i do with customs or the shipper?

You see, this is why we need ID cards?

In another victory for Hindu sensibility, the government cracked down on the rustling of "sacred" cattle in August by issuing ID cards with photos of individual cows, to help guards at the Bangladesh border halt the illegal trade. [BBC News, 8-30-07]

Solutions for a picky baby boy?

My son, Xander, is about to be 6 months old. I know most babies are usually on stage one baby food by now. This is my second child not my first, so I know when I'm supposed to start introducing rice cereal and baby food and all that. We had some feeding issues with him, so the doctor had us delay introducing certain things until now. My problem however, is that now I am ok to start him on baby foods, and he won't eat off the spoon. He will eat the food from my finger or something like that but it doesn't matter what brand or how soft the baby spoon is, my son just does not like the spoon. He pushes it out with his tongue, and he is pretty strong, we can't keep it in his mouth even if we wanted to. We have tried all the different baby brands, we tried turning the spoon over in his mouth so the side he is pushing on is the side with all the food to see if he would taste it and decide not to push it out. Doesn't matter what we do, my son does not like spoons in his mouth. He was already very picky with his bottles and pacifiers, we had to either have the soothie or the nuk brands, he wouldn't take anything else. Anyone know of any ideas to get him to take the spoon? I REALLY don't want to have to feed him from my finger all the time, that would take forever, get to messy, and just be a real pain in the bazooka. It's so annoying! If anyone has ever had this problem with their baby, I'd love to know what solutions you came up with! Thanks so much!!!

Which metal ions contribute to precipitates formed on the ocean floor around geothermal vents?

The vents spew clouds of mineral-rich water from deep inside Earth into the ocean near mid-ocean ridges.Which metal ions would you expect to find contributing to precipitates formed on the ocean floor around geothermal vents??

asin's Creed Vs The Da Vinci Code - The Holy Grail?

the apple-the grail, represents the womb, sacred earth magic. Maybe they wanted to cover it up to get jesus excepted.

I have a few questions about the story The Anthem?

man I just had the same problem with the anthem several days ago. But I got some help from free help from an online tutoring service. goto www.achieve2succeed.com and i promise they will help by giving you 25 free minutes

Why are Egyptian women underestimated by Egyptian men?

i think every woman in the world has her own beauty and all women are beautiful but there is a woman who can show her beauty whether this beauty is in her look or character and another woman cannot show her beauty. also, i have a something that i believe in which is looks catches the eyes but personality catches the heart

Conflict with a kickboxer in MMA gym?

Now you know what a parent feels like to have a talented son ; P As others have said, you can't pressure someone into doing something they don't want to do even if you think it's for their own good. Parents have been doing that to their kids since time immemorial by forcing them to become doctors or lawyers even if the kid is more interested in music. The only way for him to realize your point is to wait and let him experience failure himself. Once he does, he'll probably remember you and come to you for help, until then just let it be. As the saying goes: "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

What are songs that have literary devices?

Some songs would be Wordplay by Jason Mraz and Ironic by Alanis Morissette. When you give me the song can you give me what literary devices are in the song? Some literary devices examples are metaphor, personification, pun, alliteration, oxymoron, hyperbole, simile, ogy, idiom, cliche, onomatopoeia, allusion, irony, paradox, imagery, onance, verbal irony, situational irony, allegory. Thanks!

I had an employee stock ownership plan at an old job. I am trying to make a withdrawal but having trouble...?

You are missing the key word "vested" the rest of the stock was contingent on you staying with the firm. You didn't, so you don't get it.

Which State is getting the most Pork from Obama's Health-Care Bill, Iowa or Chris Dodd's Construction Company?

It's hard to tell Mutual of Omaha is getting a perpetual Tax Break that could end up being Trillions from their investment LLC's. ... But look at Dodd's Construction Company it is getting a Hospital a Research institute and all the necessary infrastructure to support a Connecticut Health Care Center. Again open ended.

All my life, I've only had as my talent to offer?

and would like to find something else to be good at. is the only thing I've ever been told I'm good at. My parents neglected me emotionally and developmentally as a child, so even from them, I got no reurance or confidence from them either. Every time I try something new (not in bed) I give up as soon as I try. I see that it takes practice and think that it's not worth it. I know of so many things I'd like to do, but don't know how to keep myself interested after I get discouraged. I'd like to crochet, sew, mma fighting, dog training, etc. I just want something that people will tell me I'm good at and genuinly mean it. I just don't know how to stick in there. Any ideas on where to start? How can I stick in there?

2 Dissapearing fish, no way of escape, no corspe found?

Clean the Cage. Best advice, you will find all of them. Do you have a cat or bird? Cuz that might also explain it.

I am atracted to ladies but have a boyfriend.iwant to know what should i do. i even fantasise about ladies?

Well, you're already in a relationship so unless its open that means hands off to both es. But hey, when you're free go out and date a chick. Get a girlfriend...see how is goes. As far as now, you gotta decide if you're really attracted to chicks thus meaning you might be bi or if this is just a phase of some sort. But you'll never really know until you put it to some kind of test

I am married since 26years.i am epileptic.my husband is very loving and caring. he is late sleeper.i used to s?

I Could not keep awake for him.in initial years we had .but later he started masturbating daily.I Took it easy.now when i have learnt that it was my mistake,i should have taken interest in ,i am trying to have but he gets angry,says now we have become old.but lately i have heard of an extra marital affair of a much older person and i am really scared.i feel he is having someother partner.is it normal for a man of 52years to lose interest in .tho at times he is not angry but keeps his eyes closed and is dry.i feel satisfied that at least he was a receiver.is his behaviour normal.i think i shoud be patient.i am 12 kgs overweight even he is obese,he dislikes me wearing y lingeries.all this depresses me.i am trying to slim down.iwant him to be y.he should crave for me as i am craving for him.can you help me.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Step-Father/Daughter Scenario?

I think your mom is being rude and loose if she walks around naked in front of her children with her new husband present.PDA ( mom or even hugging) is ok in front of kids if mom has clothes on but being naked would be too ual in front of young girls. I would think the step dad would even feel uncomfortable, unless of course he is some kind of pervert. Good luck to you, I hope your mom cares enough to consider your feelings in the matter. She can parade around naked in front of him whenever you girls arent home.

What causes nations to deteriorate?

The Roman Empire, Egyptian civilization, Aztec civilization, The English empire, all dominated their known worlds at one time. Now they are mediocre nations with their lifestyles 100 years behind the times.

How to gauge your lip with a lip ring?

Ok...so you have a safety pin in your lip...I'm praying you didn't pierce your lip yourself...at least I hope you boiled whatever you used...How long have you had this? You need to wait at least a month before you try to gauge a new piercing (supposed to be healed really). I honestly think you should try to put a 16g in there first and let it heal for a month, then put in the 14g.

What To Do with my father in law?

My Father In-Law has been with us for over 2 yrs his older son send him to us because he was remarrying and he did not have room. my father in-law never had medical attention when he was with his older son in another state. When he first arrive with us we seeked medical help for him we noticed he would talk to himself and he would sleep alot he would'nt want to do anything but get up go to the restroom and eat drink cokes and sandwiches all day. So the Dr. started him on meds. and diagnozed him with severe depression & schiznoprenia. Well he is doing better now on meds though. He started going to an adult day care and this is the second time we have moved him to a different center because of the same issue. He gets infatuated with this women and we come to find out that this women are only intersted in him because he recieves a monthly pension as a veteran. He has been talking to this particular lady and she is a gold digger she just takes advantage of him. My husband gives him money from his pension so we notice he would ask for more frequently and well we got to the bottom of it now we are more careful with that. But, now my father in law talks nonsense he wants to get married and move in with this lady I don't get it. I spoke to the lady she said she only wanted to be friends with him but it seems that she keeps leading him on or my father in-law is obssessed and can't realize the reality of a friendship and a serious relationship. He has been divorced for 20 yrs. When this issue happend with the other lady at a different center he went into a big depression and almos hit rock bottom again though we helped him out alot. He says we control his life and that we don't give him liberty mind you he is a 60 yr old recovering alcaholic who is schizoprenic,has obsessive control dissorder, severe depression, mild dementia is and aggressive at times. How can we solve this issue the Dr. does not want him living on his own he said it is best to live with his relatives and we are his only option no one else can care for him and he does not want to go to a nursing home. I am so stressed out I don't know what else to do? It is like taking care of another child. We are afraid that if he does move in with this women or any other women who don't care he will end up homeless again like he use to be before he moved in with his older son and that he will destroy his life completly. We have spoken to the Dr. about this issue and he really does not give him much advice. They said we cannot get power of attorney over him anymore because he is mentally disabled already the doent wont be valid and inorder for us to get a court order from a judge he needs to be a threat to others and himself and at this point he has not gotten to that point and we are greatful but how can we take care of someone that wont allow us to? What do we Do?

I'm trying to pick a good food for my dog, can you tell me which is best by the ingredient list?

I personally took my vets advice and have my pup on Nutro, it comes in different flavors and for different age groups etc. my pup is shiny sleek and healthy:-) No need to over yze every ingredient etc. You must really like to type...or scan?

How to delete?

I have only been using yahoo answers since 3rd October. I originally thought that it would be something interesting and different to do to while away my spare time. However it seems to be riddled with the normal waste of spacers that seem to crop up everywhere. I believe you call them "TROLLS" I have always answered questions honestly and sincerely when and where I was able.I also asked questions in a light hearted matter,without the intention of causing harm or offence to anyone. However it gets too much when idiots give a violation for something harmless and inoffensive. Now I wish to delete my details fromYahoo answers, and would appreciate it if somebody could advise me honestly and politely how to do this.I know not everybody on yahoo is like this,but I think I can do without this sort of hle. I wish you all well and positive answers to your questions. Thank you in anticipation.

Teen weight training?

Train hard! I hate how people think that weight training will make you short, it is an old myth that is still floating around. Using steroids does that the possibility to cause your growth plates to fuse together early though, so don't use them, duh. Weight training has the ability to increase your HGH (human growth hormone) to make you taller and leaner. Also, for the weight, you should do 6-10 reps, with the last rep leaving you not able to do anymore using good form. An example would be biceps curls, if you can do 15 reps, add more weight, and then with the added weight do as many as you can without arching your back, do that until your in the 6-10 range. Once you go over 10 add more weight.

Do you think that a public school will be good for a private school girl like me?

In your case, it doesn't sound like it will make much difference. You are already choosing to hang out with friends that skip school, fight, drink, etc. So, why are they trying to tell you there will be fights at the other school? No matter what you decide, you need different friends. Maybe a change would be good for you. Any school will be "hard" if you are skip it a lot. Neither of these options is home school, which is where you asked this. You might want to ask in the regular school area, they might have ideas. Home schoolers have no idea what goes on!

Why do we always get bad news from the media?

No. The world has been in much worse shape in the past than the media portrays. I'm guessing ratings suggest viewers want to hear more negative news, than positive. Also, communication worldwide is instant now. Years ago, news of a car accident in Scotland, wouldn't reach London, or it's media for several days, or weeks. Pictures, video of people being injured, killed, accidents, are more appealing than some kid winning a spelling contest, unfortunately.

Does he love me or his girlfriend? im confused. please help?

Haha, he just wants to have it both ways. Stay away from this player. He hopes to have you lined up when his relationship ends. And when you're in a relationship with him, another girl will be waiting until he dumps you. Don't buy into his pathetic game.

Cat pro's only please - advice on 'fussy' cat?

I am an inexperienced cat owner of 3 years. Mine doesn't like much fuss and it has taken the three years to get her to take some fuss and attention. She was a stray and decided to move in with me (no idea why as I had no experience of cats). I have just learnt to let her be. If she wants attention I give it, if she doesn't, then I don't. All cats are different so perhaps yours is just one of those (like mine) who doesn't want fussing over. As long as yours is happy, I wouldn't worry too much.

What is a minimum # of calories to live?

It's different for everyone even when you're in wheelchair.You have to try how much calories you need.When you feel weak then you probably need more calories just lower the amount of calories slowly and try eating fresh food like veggies and fruits.

How to dispose of water mixed with motor oil?

Just take it where you normally take your used oil. I've taken mine a few times where it was about half water and half oil. Let the oil recyclers separate it.

A quick bullet?

if gas is spilling out of the truck....the truck would have already exploded when the fire started. but that trivial stuff aside, i dont think i could shoot anyone, but then ive never been put in the situation so who knows what id do. so i couldnt say yay or nah to the question

Will filing bankruptcy while in DEP status with the Navy get me a dishonorable discharge if they find out?

Not only that, but can they find out that I filed?? My rate is Hospital Corpsman, which I'm told I don't need clearance for that right now, but what about in the future? My bankruptcy hearing is this Friday so I'm still able to back out if needs be, and it's just nagging at me because I want everything on my military background to be PERFECT. So do I do it and take a risk, or not do it and have horrible credit and debts?

Are girls who refuse to fart in front of their boyfriends setting back women's rights?

Women always fart they just don't do it in front of their bf cause their scared that the fart will end the relationship which shows they really care and yes it is setting back their rights if they fart it means they dont care about the future of their relationship.

I got pulled over for going 34 in a 25 mph school zone at 2:20 when school lets out at 2:28.?

Im pretty ******* sure if u were speeding at 2:21 (which by that time they would probably be getting ready to leave) it would of been better than you speeding on a school zone at 2:28 dummy.... it takes more than 8 mins to clear a building full of school children, who are leaving to go home from school.

HELP - Advice on my babies names picked!!?

Your girls first names are GORGEOUS! Im not a huge fan of the middle names but thats okay! I love Reece Colin for a boy, but Flynn sounds a tad too much like Phlegm, so im not a fan! Good luck to you and your husband and future little baby!

Atkins diet?

how hard is it to maintain an atkins diet??is their any prepackaged foods like lean cuisine or other for this type of diet

Noob Graphics Card Question?

My IBM T60 laptop currently has a crappy Intel GMA card, this may sound like the most pathetic question ever, but I don't know crap about this. Is it possible to put in a Nivida or ATI graphics card?

Fantasy Football: Waiver Wire Help!?

I say keep Knox he is more consistent. Do the trade as you are pretty good at WR and QB and weak at RB. Don't pickup Gonzales until he plays a game and see what happens.

My friends hate my ( just a friend guy )?

Ahh! Girls and their jealousy. They wouldn't be like this if your best friend was another girl would they? I think you know that you should give these other girls the flick because they will only do damage to your relationship with this guy....BELIVE ME!

Text Message problems?

my blackjack wont let me text anymore it keeps sayin error, but i can recive them. its not my sim card becuase i put it in a diffrent phone and i can text. just not on my blackjack. Whats the problem?

Can someone PLEASE help me EDIT my PARAGRAPH??? (EASY POINTS)?

Just as the natives fell prey to Cortés’s trap, so did the prince of Mexico, Montezuma. Omens, and prophets predicted the arrival of “Cortes” and so Montezuma welcomed the Spaniards with open arms. However, once Cortes defame Montezuma’s belief by stating he believes in “evil things that are called devils,” he started to feel remorse towards his hospitality towards Cortes. Half angry, Montezuma replied by stating “we consider them to be very good, for they give us health, rains.. and as many victories as we desire.” The small inevitable tension between the two precipitated from this point on. In due time, the overlord would become a prisoner in his own city. The reason for this is because the “Spanish captains and soldiers prevailed upon Cortes to place Moctezuma under arrest in order to forestall any rebellion against them.”

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Other movies like Kate and Leopold?

I watch Kate and Leopold and thought it was amazing especially hugh jackman. I was wondering if there is any more movies like this out there. Please let me know if you know of any ;)

Poor mistreated kitty?

I'm torn. My neighbor has left her kitty out in the freezing rain and I can't let him in here because my cats absolutely hate him. I couldn't do that to them in their own home. He's never come up to me but in desperation a few minutes ago, he tried to come inside. I opened the garage for him to go inside there but it really peeves me she didn't bring him inside last night. She's a single mom of 4 and I know she has a lot to deal with and no money. I paid for the kitty to be neutered a while back hoping it would help my cats make peace with him (not a chance). This kitty needs to be in a safe place but those kids adore him. I've talked to her about him several times including talking her out of declawing him (outside cat..she didn't have a clue). I could rehome him but it would break those kid's hearts and I can't keep him because of my cats fighting with him. Any suggestions for a course of action here?

Does any one know were i can find sallys song on violin printable sheet music for free ?

i only want sallys song from the nightmare before christmas can some one plz help me i cant find it any were

American culture?? represents?

jejej agree with leonard, a hamburger or pizza, a tv guide, an EBT card, rap music, a prozac or some kind of other drug, jejej looserssss!!jejej

Whats the difference between electoral and popular voting systems?

The electoral college only effects the presidential race. Each senate and house seat represents an electoral college vote. The candidate that wins the popular vote in a given state wins the electoral votes for that state. The presidential candidate with the greatest sum of electoral votes becomes the president.

Yes Sato was good but why bring him back to F1 yet again?

no i am not an sato fan but i still remember 2007 canadian gp at montreal where Takuma Sato driving an Super Aguri(yes the team that debuted at the last moment in 2006 with an Arrows chis LOL!!! ) over took Fernando Alonso's Mclaren-Mercedes(LOL!!!) to claim the fifth place...and whatever it be one must pat the back of taku for over taking a mclaren tht too of an double world champion that too in an Super-Aguri...!!!!!............so i mean he aint as bad as an driver he's projected...and am sure he may have had learnt a lot of things till now and am sure he is lot better than at least LEWIS HAMMY!!!........(rather i think lewis drives identically as Sato used to in 2004!! and his early days...)........sadly he never got an good car to actually prove himself!!(i think he proved himself in 2004 in that honda..but who cares!!!...F-1 wants only Europeans)

Does anybody kno any good hairstyles?PLZ?

oka well here is the thing..my hair pretty much looks like this:http://www.prohaircut.com/gallery/mandy_moore1_l_7579.jpg (copy and paste that) but my hair is that length when i scrunch it and i have no bangs thank god lol cant stand em but what hairstyles can i do with hair this length?!help me plz

How to save new words in ms word dictionary?

in ms word there is provision to add to dictionary. i added few words which were underlined red in my original doent. the red underlining disappeared but when i open the file it continues to show with red underlining. can we make the addition to dictionary permanent. - mukuntharajan

Is There Any Way Of Watching SNL Online In The UK ?

Specifically the Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner episodes, everytime I try to watch it online, it says I can't cause I'm not in the US :(

Question for bikers...?

I kinda go along with Cecil on this,I ride all year long no matter what the weather. But not all of my sleds are made in America,They are however all home built by me and all are choppers. Mine arent sitting at a bar looking pretty.I ride my sleds to wherever I have to go,the store,a date whatever wherever.

What machine I can use for both sewing and quilting?

It should include quilting accesories, like a walking foot and spacer for example. I am under a budget so I can't afford anything too expensive. Any suggestions?

Do snake bites look good on girls with big lips?

I love playing with guy friends lip ring so im getting snake bites, but will they look good with my big lips? please give me your opinion. but if all your going to say is ewww those are gross then don't even bother.

What activities offer the same psychological satisfaction as pachinko......?

I agree. I hate small talk and would rather just sit there in silence not necessarily on my own but maybe with someone. It is relaxing I just wish it wasnt so hard to find!

Oh no, should I give up coconuts?

Just eat a bit less of em! They are high fat but they have lots of good stuff in there too. If you keep the pieces airtight and refrigerated you can eat it over a few days.

Canadian Politics: Boring the already apathetic population?

Stephen Harper and the Conservatives were in a stalemate and needed a majority government to get things done. So he called an election. He will get a majority according to polls so I guess the objective will be met. Yeah, its boring alright. The other parties and their leaders have no new ideas and frankly sound very socialistic.

How do i overcome this?

at the end of last week my friend from work (the one i talk about a lot on here) got fired. this is really devastating for me because he was the only one that'll talk to me and i don't mean just saying hello........he was the only one i felt comfortable telling my problems to. i know where he lives and he said i can come over there anytime but i know he is about to move back to his hometown next month and i really don't want to keep showing up at his house because he will get tired of me... before i met him i was deppressed bec i thought nobody liked me now it's like i'm back to being deprressed. what should i do?

How was it that God gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him would not perish?

Didn't Jebus wake up three days later and didnt Jebus ascend into heaven. Now if Jebus had went to Hell for eternity that would have been a true sacrifice. But Jebus didn't even suffer. He was an omnipotent God how could he suffer.

Have you ever projectile vomited?

I had a mango smoothie from a health food store. I didn't know I was allergic and rushed to the ER. It took five hours to get my condition stabilized and my blood pressure back up. I didn't have to wait at all to get in.

How do I ask my brother polietly to leave my home?


Small Tetra & Guppy Community??

Can a small school of tetras and 1-2 male guppies be happy together in a small tank? If I were to have only one guppy, would it be unhappy without a same-breed friend? What kind of conditions do these fish need to live in? I have a small tank with a light...would I need a heater? Thank you

What is the English to Japanese translation for "inconsolable suffering/pain"?

I know "Ku" is suffering. What would be the words for having/carrying an inconsolable suffering that no amount of time or therapy or help is going to lessen it or make it go away. Pain/heartache so deep it is just inconsolable. thanks.